Preparing Your Website & Marketing for 2020

4 Quick Tips to Prepare Your Website & Marketing for 2020

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Are you already busy preparing your digital marketing strategies for 2020? Is it something you do ahead of time or do you just hope for the best? You are not alone in defining the ideal strategy for a better reputation for your customers. That’s why we are here to help you spot SEO trends for 2020. Discover useful tips or leave things to the professionals – contact us now and get free consultation.

Adapt your content for voice search

Since Google’s attention is never far from the user, this is where we are. If you are familiar with SEO copywriting, you will already be using long-tail keywords and key phrases. This will help Google to resolve search queries with a higher level of precision. Using bullets in your content allows easy access to Google, which increases the chances that your content will be visible in the selected snippets. Voice search is going to make headlines in 2020 – it’s a constantly evolving modern tool and the future has it.

Adapt your content for voice search

Talk to your audience, not to Google

Over the years, Google has continued to appreciate websites that resolve users’ problems. If you sell socks, write about socks. However, you should make sure that you write in such a way as not to be too spam or overly optimized. If you don’t sell socks, don’t write about the socks. Your bounce rate must have a good score, otherwise Google will not rank your website according to relevant keywords. Make sure your content resolves the user’s intention to reduce the bounce rate.

Talk to your audience, not to Google

Work on page loading speed

While you may be tempted to endow your website with the latest bells, videos, and style, it might not translate well to how quickly your pages load. In today’s world, everyone is looking for instant gratification. If a consumer waits more than 5 seconds for your page to load, they won’t stay there to see what you have to offer. There are ways to reduce page size without limiting content. However, you shouldn’t force it to create heavy design content and pages if it will slow down the loading speed of your page.

Work on page loading speed

Video content for victory

Include video content in your SEO strategy to win in 2020. While we’re all about to tell a story with the written word, video is winning in this fast-paced industry. Make your video content accessible, captivating and easy to understand.

Video content for victory

While you can keep content written on the page for ranking purposes, use video content to engage users while potentially increasing your engagement and conversion rates.
Which of these SEO trends has sparked your interest in 2020? We’re very excited to see what 2020 has in store for us to develop strategies for our clients for the coming year. Contact us now if you’re looking for digital marketing services – let’s join hands to turn your startup into a great success!

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