8 web design trends for 2020 000

8 Web Design Trends for 2020

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The trends that define web design change at a rapid pace. What was hot last year probably has not lasted hot going into this year. Web design in 2020 delivers seemingly endless possibilities, but not all the possibilities make it onto a computer screen.

Let’s look at eight web design trends for 2020.

Dark Night

Focusing on UI design elements, dark web designs allow creators to make certain elements stand out more, which creates a much higher contrast with brighter colors. Dark colors place less strain on the eyes, and we all know the ergonomics is now a major driving force in web design trends. Darker web designs work best in OLED screens, which save power and increase the lifespan of the screens. Dark also exemplifies the moodier themes many 2020 web designers want to convey.

Three Dimensional Elements

Virtual reality is close to becoming a mainstream technology, which makes three dimensional web design a natural fit in 2020. Instead of using NASA level equipment to produce 3D images, web designers can use software programs that are readily available to anyone interested in expanding their web design horizons. Three dimensional web designs keep website visitors engaged for longer periods.

Mistakes that Create Visual Appeal

Complicated web design techniques can lead to errors that detract from the design of a page. In 2020, web design mistakes can lead to web pages that exude visual appeal. Hand drawn images with the slightest imperfections can produce unique web designs that leave positive lasting impressions.

The Best of Two Web Design Worlds

Web design used to be an either/or proposition. You either uploaded a graphic or a photograph to enhance the visual appeal of a web page. In 2020, the mixing of colorful graphics and stunning photographs help webmasters create unique brand statements. Placing a photograph on top of a background designed in a studio generates a more sophisticated visual effect.

Getting the Most Out of White Space

Full blown graphics that take up an entire page can detract from the brand message of a website. Web designers have slowly moved towards separating sections of web pages by integrating white spaces. In 2020, the slow move toward using white spaces should become a standard design principle.

Adding Depth to Two Dimensional Designs

You do not have to commit to 3D design elements to produce graphics that present depth. Soft drop shadows and layering design elements should stir the interest of website visitors. Referred to as “3D Lite” in many web design circles, two dimensional graphics can enhance other design elements such as photographs.

Colors that Jump Off the Page

Color schemes that appear to come from the future have taken hold in 2020. What was a more subdued color scheme trend over the past few years has transformed into bold color designs that include glow in the dark elements, as well as darker, richer colors that contrast well with brighter colors.

Less Clutter for Navigation

Technology has made less the preferred principle for web design. This means navigation tools on web pages have reduced in size to give way to the creative vision of web designers. Instead of being distracted by an icon or a button, website visitors soak in the visual appeal of a web page that remains highly interactive, with smaller navigation tools to remove visual clutter.
What is in store for web design in 2021? The answer is this year’s trends that have staying power in addition to a few new design trends that are currently under experimentation.

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