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Developing a search engine optimization strategy (SEO) should be one of the key components of your digital marketing campaign. From presenting helpful content to backlinking to reputable sources, you have several ways to move up Google’s search engine result pages.

When most business owners think about social media, they think about gaining more Twitter followers and attracting more friends to their personal Facebook pages. However, social media can have a positive impact on your business as well.

Did you know that social media sites like Google My Business, Facebook and Twitter can help you improve your SEO?

All you have to do is Google a popular business in your area to find out how social media helps increase exposure for the business. Google ranks social media pages high in its search engine results, with many returns placing Twitter and Facebook pages above the all-important fold on the first page.

The question no longer is does social media help businesses attract new customers. Instead, the question is how to get social media to improve your SEO.

Generate More Website Traffic

Think of social media as the online magnet that draws more potential customers to your organic website. Content uploaded to sites such as LinkedIn and Instagram increases the visibility of your business website. It is not just the content you upload to popular social media sites.

It is also about visitors to your social media pages that share your content with their friends, family members, and professional peers. Sharing content to social media followers eventually leads to the sharing of the content to potential customers that you have never met.


Expands the Reach of Your Website Content

Getting your loyal customers to follow you on prominent social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter is much more than growing your social media presence. Social media platforms allow you to promote content that you have posted on your business website. A pithy Facebook post can encourage followers to check out your latest blog post or watch your most recent product demonstration.
Think of social media as the conduit to your content marketing strategy.

Boosting Local SEO

The world of digital marketing is full of acronyms, but the acronym for the name, address, and phone number of your business (NAP) ranks near the top of the list in terms of SEO effectiveness. Every time you list the NAP for your business, whether you list it on your website or a follower promotes it on a blog, Google gives your business website a boost in local SEO.
Social media sites offer your business more options for listing your business NAP. Just make sure your business NAP is accurate and consistent on every one of your social media profiles.

More Customer Reviews

It is no longer a secret that Google rewards businesses that receive positive customer reviews. The thing is Google is no longer the primary outlet for uploading positive customer reviews.
Facebook has emerged as a powerful customer review resource and in some cases, businesses have received more positive customer reviews on Facebook than the positive customer reviews they received on Google’s platform.

By encouraging your loyal customers to post reviews on Facebook, you improve the SEO of your business.


Social Media Search Engines

With the most powerful search engine capabilities, many social media sites have morphed into search engine alternatives to Google, Bing, and Yahoo. This is why your SEO strategy must now include techniques to optimize your social media content by strategically integrating popular keywords and adding links to trustworthy sources of information.
In fact, social media SEO can help your business fine-tune the SEO strategy of your website.

Make Uploading Videos a Priority

Social media SEO strategies without a focus on uploading videos to YouTube end up mired in mediocrity. Since Google folded YouTube into its corporate structure, the search engine giant has given YouTube videos much more prominence on the first page of search results. Google especially rewards videos that demonstrate how to do something, such as repairing a bicycle tire or refurbishing an antique piece of furniture.

Social media sites are no longer just an online playground for social interaction. Businesses can harness the power of social media sites to improve their SEO.
Discover how your business can use social media to improve its SEO by submitting the short form on our website or by calling JPG Designs at 401-737-9321.

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