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It’s Time to Reevaluate Your SEO Strategy

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Although it would be nice to add content to your website when you want to and move on forever, it’s unfortunately a major factor in losing search engine rankings. People are searching for goods and services around the clock, and they want to see up-to-date information that’s easily accessed from whatever device they’re using – these are two of the main inspirations behind the SEO trends of 2019.

Why Do You Need an Update?

Google and other search engines are constantly updating their search algorithms to make sure users are getting the most relevant information related to their search queries. There was a time in internet antiquity when keyword stuffing would place content at the top of search rankings, but search algorithms are so advanced and nuanced now that they can detect excessive keyword usage, poor readability and a lack of useful information. It may seem like a daunting task to go back and optimize old content but consider it a microcosm of how you run your overall business. According to the Japanese practice of Kaizen, every business needs to strive for continuous improvement in order to be successful.

The Best SEO Strategies for 2019

Here are a few strategies you will want to utilize when creating and updating content in 2019:

Voice Search – Back in 2016, about 40% of adults utilized voice search on their smartphones and that amount is predicted to exceed 50% by 2020. This is a huge part of the market that your content should be optimized for.

Mobile Search – No one really needs a technology expert to tell them that mobile devices are beating out PCs and laptops for users’ online time. Stay ahead of the game and make sure your site is optimized for mobile devices.

Organic Search Rankings – Organic search, which is when a user enters a keyword(s) into the search bar, continues to be the main way users find information and is the most important factor for optimizing your content. You will need to know your audience, research the keywords they are most likely using and place those keywords naturally into your content to improve your rankings.

Make a plan for the SEO strategies you’d like to employ for your online platforms in 2019. It may seem overwhelming to keep up with the trends and apply them to both new and existing content, but there are professionals available to help make the workload easier.

For all of your website design, marketing, logo design needs and more, let JPG Designs help! Get in contact with us today.

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